Tuesday 7 August 2007

The Godfather

Show me your respect by kissing my ring, "and if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you"

Amazingly, some of the people attending the baptism did kiss my ring!! Don Espinoza rules, ha!

By the way, yeah, this was not only about my becoming The Godfather, Maria Attila was there as well to be baptised. It's strange to hold a baby, Maria Attila moved a lot and gave me the impression she wanted to get out of my arms, so after they took this picture I quickly gave her back to my sister to avoid accidents. Can you see the ring?

In the end I was way too formal for the Floridian ceremony, these flowery two are the happy parents. Believe it or not, Tom goes to work wearing shirts like that!

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